L-Theanin 100 mg 90 Kautabletten - vorne
L-Theanin 100 mg 90 Kautabletten €23,41
 Produktbeschreibung: Hat entspannende Eigenschaften Stressabbau Entdecke eine moderne Art, deine Stimmung zu heben und dich nach einem anstrengenden Tag zu entspannen - mit L-Theanin 100 mg 90 Kautabletten von Now Foods . Unsere auf L-Theanin basierende Formel ermöglicht es dir, die Vorteile dieser natürlichen Verbindung, die in Tee enthalten ist, in einer praktischen Kautablettenform zu genießen. L-Theanin wird für seine entspannenden Eigenschaften geschätzt, die nicht zu Schläfrigkeit führen. Dank seiner direkten Wirkung auf das Gehirn fördert es einen entspannten Zustand und baut Stress ab. Außerdem kann L-Theanin die Konzentration und die Lernfähigkeit verbessern, was in der heutigen schnelllebigen Zeit besonders wichtig ist. Probiere L-Theanin 100 mg und entdecke die Kraft der natürlichen Entspannung, die sicher für deinen Körper ist. Nutze diese einzigartige Möglichkeit, um dich vom Alltagsstress zu befreien! Informationen zur Portion Portionsgröße 1 Kautablette Menge pro Portion L-Theanin 100 mgInositol 100 mgTaurin (freie Form) 100 mg Andere Zutaten: Xylitol, Sorbitol, Stearinsäure (pflanzliche Quelle), mikrokristalline Cellulose, Hydroxypropylcellulose, natürliche Aromen, Siliziumdioxid, Apfelsäure, Magnesiumstearat (pflanzliche Quelle), biologischer Steviablätterextrakt (enzymmodifizierte Steviolglycoside) und Rübenpulver. Anwendung: Kaue je nach Bedarf 1 bis 3 Mal täglich 1 Tablette, am besten auf nüchternen Magen. Nach dem Öffnen an einem kühlen, trockenen Ort aufbewahren. WARNUNG: Nur für Erwachsene. Konsultiere deinen Arzt, wenn du schwanger bist oder stillst, Medikamente einnimmst (insbesondere Blutdruckmedikamente) oder an einer Krankheit leidest. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Xylitol ist schädlich für Haustiere; suche bei Verdacht auf Verschlucken sofort einen Tierarzt auf. Erfahre mehr über die Sicherheit von Haustieren. Natürliche Farbabweichungen können bei diesem Produkt auftreten. Die empfohlene Tagesdosis darf nicht überschritten werden. Ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel kann kein Ersatz für eine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung sein. Nicht mit Weizen, Gluten, Soja, Milch, Ei, Fisch, Schalentieren oder Sesam hergestellt. Hergestellt in einer GMP-Anlage, die auch andere Zutaten verarbeitet, die diese Allergene enthalten.
L-Tryptophan, Doppelte Stärke 1000 mg 60 Tabletten - vorne
L-Tryptophan, doppelte Stärke 1000 mg 60 Tabletten €32,95
 Produktbeschreibung: Unterstützt das Nervensystem und das emotionale Gleichgewicht Fördert ausreichenden Schlaf und reguliert den Tagesrhythmus Hilft, ein Gefühl des Wohlbefindens zu erhalten Der Wirkstoff im Nahrungsergänzungsmittel L-Tryptophan, doppelte Stärke 1000 mg 60 Tabletten von Now Foods ist eine essentielle Aminosäure, die von unserem Körper nicht selbst hergestellt werden kann und über die Nahrung oder Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zugeführt werden muss. Sie hat Eigenschaften, die unserem Körper zugutekommen, insbesondere dem Nervensystem. Sie beeinflusst die Produktion von Neurotransmittern wie Serotonin, die für emotionales Gleichgewicht und Wohlbefinden sorgen. Außerdem ist L-Tryptophan eine Vorstufe von Melatonin, dem Hormon, das den Schlaf und den Tagesrhythmus reguliert. Unterstütze deinen Körper und sorge für dein Wohlbefinden mit Hilfe von L-Tryptophan! Informationen zur Portion Portionsgröße 1 Tablette Menge pro Portion L-Tryptophan (freie Form) 1 g (1.000 mg) Andere Zutaten: Croscarmellose-Natrium, Hydroxypropylcellulose, Stearinsäure (pflanzliche Quelle), Magnesiumstearat (pflanzliche Quelle), pflanzlicher Überzug und Siliciumdioxid. Verzehrempfehlung: Nimm 1 bis 3 Mal täglich 1 Tablette auf nüchternen Magen mit der letzten Dosis vor dem Schlafengehen oder nach Anweisung deines Arztes. Nach dem Öffnen an einem kühlen, trockenen Ort aufbewahren.WARNUNG: Nur für Erwachsene. Konsultiere deinen Arzt, wenn du schwanger bist oder stillst, Medikamente einnimmst (insbesondere Antidepressiva wie SSRIs und MAOIs) oder an einer Krankheit leidest. Kann Schläfrigkeit verursachen. Nicht zusammen mit alkoholischen Getränken oder beim Bedienen schwerer Maschinen einnehmen. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Die empfohlene Tagesdosis darf nicht überschritten werden. Ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel kann kein Ersatz für eine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung sein. Nicht mit Weizen, Gluten, Soja, Milch, Ei, Fisch, Schalentieren oder Baumnüssen hergestellt. Hergestellt in einer GMP-Anlage, die auch andere Zutaten verarbeitet, die diese Allergene enthalten.
Now Foods Vitamin E-400 Mixed Tocopherols with Selenium 100 Softgels is a powerful antioxidant supplement that supports the immune system against skin aging processes. With 60 capsules per bottle, boost your body's natural defense with this easy-to-t
Vitamin E-400 Gemischte Tocopherole mit Selen 100 Weichkapseln €25,23
  Product description: Improved functioning of the immune system Supporting regenerative processes in the body Counteracting skin ageing processes Support for a healthy heart and circulatory system  Vitamin E-400 Mixed Tocopherols with Selenium 100 Softgels from Now Foods has been formulated to provide your body with a powerful dose of antioxidants to help neutralise free radicals and strengthen your body's natural defences. Vitamin E is known for its effects on skin, hair and nail health, as well as supporting the immune system. In addition, selenium is an ingredient that contributes to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and helps to protect cells from oxidative stress.Vitamin E is extremely important for your body - its wealth of natural properties contributes to maintaining health on many levels. Acting as a powerful antioxidant, vitamin E neutralises the action of free radicals, which can damage cells and lead to an accelerated ageing process and the development of many diseases. What's more, this powerful substance also supports the body's immune system, helping it to fight off various infections and diseases.Your health deserves the best care, and Vitamin E-400's blend of tocopherols with selenium is sure to provide it with the necessary ingredients to maintain the right balance. Serving Information Serving Size 1 Softgel Amount per serving Vitamin E (as d-alpha Tocopherol) 268 mgSelenium (from Selenium Yeast) 100 mcgMixed Tocopherols (d-beta, d-gamma, d-delta) 48 mg Other Ingredients: Softgel Capsule [bovine gelatin (BSE-free), glycerin, water, carob], Soybean Oil, Beeswax and Soy Lecithin. Directions: Take 1 softgel daily with a meal. Store in a cool, dry place after opening.WARNING: For adults only. Consult physician if pregnant/nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Separation and color variation in the softgel may occur. This is natural and doesn't affect product quality. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Not manufactured with wheat, gluten, milk, egg, fish or shellfish ingredients. Produced in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens.
Now Foods NADH 10 mg 60 pflanzliche Kapseln sind ein natürliches Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das Müdigkeit und Erschöpfung wirksam bekämpfen kann. Diese Kapseln regen die Energieproduktion im Körper an, was zu einem höheren Energieniveau und einem besseren allgemeinen Wohlbefinden führt.
NADH 10 mg 60 pflanzliche Kapseln €47,67
Produktbeschreibung: Unterstützt die Energieproduktion Stärkt das Immunsystem Hilft, Müdigkeit und Ermüdung zu reduzieren NADH 10 mg 60 pflanzliche Kapseln von Now Foods - ein unterstützendes Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit der biologisch aktiven Form des Coenzyms Q10. Diese leistungsstarke Formel wurde entwickelt, um die Bedürfnisse deines Körpers zu befriedigen, indem sie ihn mit Energie versorgt und vor oxidativem Stress schützt. NADH ist ein natürlich vorkommendes Coenzym, das eine Schlüsselrolle im Energiestoffwechsel des Körpers spielt. Sein Vorhandensein ist für das reibungslose Funktionieren der Zellen unerlässlich. Dank seiner starken antioxidativen Eigenschaften schützt NADH die Zellen vor oxidativem Stress und stärkt so das Immunsystem. Die regelmäßige Einnahme von NADH kann dazu beitragen, das Gefühl der Müdigkeit zu verringern und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden und die Energie zu verbessern. Bestelle NADH 10 mg noch heute und finde heraus, wie es dein tägliches Wohlbefinden und deine Energie verbessern kann. Informationen zur Portion Portionsgröße 1 Gemüsekapsel Menge pro Portion NADH (PANMOL®-NADH) (reduziertes β-Nicotinamid-Adenin-Dinukleotid) 10 mgD-Ribose (Bioenergy RIBOSE®) 200 mg Andere Inhaltsstoffe: Hypromellose (Cellulosekapsel), mikrokristalline Cellulose, Stearinsäure (pflanzliche Quelle), Magnesiumstearat (pflanzliche Quelle), Siliziumdioxid und Bienenwachs. Verzehrempfehlung: Nimm 1 Kapsel täglich auf nüchternen Magen. Nimm die Kapsel 30 Minuten vor einer Mahlzeit mit einem Glas Wasser ein.WARNUNG: Nur für Erwachsene. Konsultiere deinen Arzt, wenn du schwanger bist oder stillst, Medikamente einnimmst oder an einer Krankheit leidest. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. PANMOL® ist eine eingetragene Marke der Vis Vitalis GmbH. Bioenergy RIBOSE® ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen von Bioenergy Life Science, Inc. Die Verwendung von Ribose ist von Bioenergy Life Science, Inc. durch US-Patente und erteilte und angemeldete ausländische Patente lizenziert.Nicht mit Weizen, Gluten, Soja, Milch, Ei, Fisch, Schalentieren oder Baumnüssen hergestellt. Hergestellt in einer GMP-Anlage, die auch andere Zutaten verarbeitet, die diese Allergene enthalten.
Now Foods Vitamin E-1000 Mixed Tocopherols 50 Softgels are a natural antioxidant that can help combat skin ageing.
Vitamin E-1000 Gemischte Tocopherole 50 Weichkapseln €25,23
  Produktbeschreibung: Natürliches Antioxidans Bekämpft die Hautalterung Stärkt die körpereigene Immunabwehr Verbessert den Zustand der Haut und sorgt für ihre Elastizität und Hydratation Unterstützt das reibungslose Funktionieren des Kreislaufsystems Vitamin E-1000 Mixed Tocopherols 50 Softgels von Now Foods ist ein hervorragendes Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das dich mit wichtigen Dosen von Vitamin E versorgt. Dieses natürliche Antioxidans ist äußerst wichtig für das reibungslose Funktionieren des Körpers. Bei regelmäßiger Einnahme der Tocopherole-Mischung profitierst du davon, dass sie die Zellen vor oxidativem Stress schützt, der Hautalterung entgegenwirkt und die Abwehrkräfte des Körpers stärkt. Vitamin E wirkt sich auch positiv auf den Zustand der Haut aus und verbessert ihre Elastizität und Feuchtigkeit. Fühle dich gesünder und schöner mit Vitamin E-1000. Bestelle jetzt! Informationen zur Portion Portionsgröße 1 Softgel Menge pro Portion Vitamin E (als d-alpha Tocopherol) 670 mg Andere Zutaten: Weichkapsel [Rindergelatine (BSE-frei), Glycerin, Wasser], biologisches natives Olivenöl extra und gemischte Tocopherole (d-beta, d-delta, d-gamma). Anwendung: Nimm täglich 1 Softgel mit einer Mahlzeit ein. Nach dem Öffnen an einem kühlen, trockenen Ort aufbewahren.WARNUNG: Nur für Erwachsene. Konsultiere deinen Arzt, wenn du schwanger bist oder stillst, Medikamente einnimmst (insbesondere blutverdünnende) oder an einer Krankheit leidest. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Natürliche Farbabweichungen können bei diesem Produkt auftreten. Die empfohlene Tagesdosis darf nicht überschritten werden. Ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel kann kein Ersatz für eine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung sein. Nicht mit Hefe, Weizen, Gluten, Mais, Milch, Ei, Fisch, Schalentieren oder Sesam hergestellt. Hergestellt in einer GMP-Anlage, die auch andere Zutaten verarbeitet, die diese Allergene enthalten.
SFP Rhodiola Root Extract 350 mg 60 Vegetable Capsules - front
SFP Rhodiola Root Extract 350 mg 60 Vegetable Capsules €30,57
Product description: Immune boosting Support for concentration and memory Reduction of symptoms of stress and fatigue Mood regulation Take care of your health and well-being with rhodiola root extract! SFP Rhodiola Root Extract 350 mg 60 Vegetable Capsules from Solgar are the perfect support for your body. Rhodiola rosea root extract supports the immune system, protecting the body against infections and diseases. Rhodiola rosea has a positive effect on brain function, supports cognitive processes and increases the ability to focus. Thanks to its adaptogenic properties, rhodiola root helps to alleviate symptoms of stress, reduces fatigue and improves general well-being.Take advantage of nature and enjoy physical and mental well-being today! Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Veg Capsule Amount Per Serving Standardized Rhodiola Extract (root) (10.5 mg [3%] rosavins, 3.5 mg [1%] salidrosides) 350 mg Other Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, Silica, Microcrystalline Cellulose, PhytO2 X® Blend (L-ascorbic acid, natural beta-carotene).Suggested Use: As an herbal supplement for adults, take one (1) vegetable capsule up to three times daily, preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. PhytOX® is a special blend of antioxidants, the purpose of which is to maintain the freshness of the ingredients. Solgar's KOF-K certification #K-1250. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet.Free of Gluten, Wheat, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Artificial Flavors, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Preservatives, Artificial Colors
Selenium 200 mcg 100 Tablets L-Selenomethionine - front
Selenium 200 mcg 100 Tablets L-Selenomethionine €20,79
Product description: Supports the immune system Protects cells from oxidative stress Supports thyroid function Presenting Selenium 200 mcg 100 tablets of L-Selenomethionine from Solgar - a dietary supplement that provides the body with the right dose of selenium. It is one of the best choices for people who care about the health of their body.Selenium is a trace element whose role in the body is extremely important. It will help strengthen the immune system, protect cells from oxidative stress, and support thyroid function. Our Selenium 200 mcg tablets have been created on the basis of the highest quality L-Selenomethionine, which ensures their excellent bioavailability by the body and effectiveness.Take care of your health and order Selenium 200 mcg dietary supplement today to enjoy full life and energy! Serving Information Serving Size: 1 Tablet Amount Per Serving Selenium (as L-selenomethionine) 200 mcg Other Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Silica, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, Vegetable Cellulose. Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take one (1) tablet daily, preferably with a meal, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. WARNING: Not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women. If you are taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet.Free of Gluten, Wheat, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Artificial Flavors, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Colors
Cod Liver Oil (Vitamin A and D) 100 Softgels - front
Cod Liver Oil (Vitamin A and D) 100 Softgels €12,09
Product Description: Contains a high dose of vitamin A and D Supports the proper functioning of the eyesight and immune system Supports the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth and the immune system Cod Liver Oil (Vitamin A and D) 100 Softgels from Solgar is a natural dietary supplement that contains valuable health benefits for your body. The unbeatable combination of vitamin A and D from cod liver guarantees maximum benefit from their beneficial properties. Take care of your health and strengthen your body with this supplement! Serving Information Serving Size: 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Vitamin A 375 mcgVitamin D 3.4 mcg (135 IU) Other Ingredients: Cod Liver Oil, Gelatin, Vegetable Glycerin, Retinyl Palmitate, Cholecalciferol, Mixed Tocopherols. Contains fish (Cod). Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take one (1) softgel three times daily, preferably with meals, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, including blood thinners, planning any medical or surgical procedure or have a medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. This product contains 375 mcg of Vitamin A (1,250 IU) and 3.4 mcg of Vitamin D (135 IU). A dietary supplement cannot be substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.Free of Gluten, Wheat, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Artificial Flavors, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Preservatives, Artificial Colors
L-Glutamine 500 mg 100 Vegetable Capsules - front
L-Glutamine 500 mg 100 Vegetable Capsules €25,93
Product Description: Helps optimal muscle function Supports the digestive system Improves body condition Enhances body regeneration Introducing L-glutamine 500 mg 100 Vegetable Capsules from Solgar - an excellent dietary supplement enriched with a natural formula that can provide numerous benefits to the body. It owes its unique properties to its natural formula, which does not contain any chemicals or artificial additives. L-glutamine contributes to the development of muscle mass, reduction of post-workout catabolism and regeneration, protection of the intestinal mucosa, increases nutrient absorption, reduces intestinal problems and aids digestion. It also influences strength and endurance, supports detoxification processes, strengthens the immune system and speeds up recovery after exercise or stress, and helps to heal injuries and wounds. Serving Information Serving Size: 3 Vegetable Capsules Amount Per Serving L-Glutamine (Free Form) 1500 mg Other Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, Vegetable Stearic Acid. Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take three (3) vegetable capsules up to three times daily, between meals, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverser reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.Free of Gluten, Wheat, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Artificial Flavors, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Preservatives, Artificial Colors
Garlic Oil Perles (Reduced Odor) 100 Softgels - front
Garlic Oil Perles (Reduced Odor) 100 Softgels €9,95
Product Description: Comprehensive effect on the cardiovascular system Reflective effect on the immune system Support for the digestive system Boost your health and avoid garlic odour with Garlic Oil Perles (Reduced Odour) 100 Softgels from Solgar! Natural garlic oil is the ideal solution for people who want to reap the health benefits of garlic but cannot tolerate its unpleasant odour. Each capsule contains 100% pure, high quality garlicoil to guarantee efficacy. Garlic is known for its heart and vascular health-promoting properties. Capsules support healthy heart function, lower cholesterol levels and improve the elasticity of blood vessels. Garlic contains natural compounds with strong antibacterial and antiviral effects. Regular use of our capsules can support your immunity and help fight infections. Garlic benefits digestion, aids nutrient absorption and regulates intestinal flora. Our capsules are gentle on the stomach and can therefore also be used by people with sensitive digestive systems. Discover an effective and gentle solution for the health of the whole family. Order Garlic Oil Perles (Reduced Odour) today and experience all the benefits of garlic without the unpleasant odours! Serving Information Serving Size: 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Garlic Oil Concentrate (from approximately 500 mg of fresh bulbs) 1 mg Other Ingredients: Safflower Oil, Gelatin, Vegetable Glycerin. Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take one (1) softgel twice daily, preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, planning any medical or surgical procedure or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.Free of Gluten, Wheat, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Artificial Flavors, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Colors
Folate 666 mcg DFE (Folic Acid 400 mcg) 250 Tablets - front
Folate 666 mcg DFE (Folic Acid 400 mcg) 250 Tablets €18,91
Product Description: Suitable for people with an increased need for folic acid Supports DNA production and repair Influences the development of the nervous system in unborn children Strengthens the immune system Helps maintain normal homocysteine metabolism Folate 666 mcg DFE (folic acid 400 mcg) 250 tablets from Solgar is a dietary supplement designed for people who need an extra dose of this important nutrient.Folic acid plays a key role in many metabolic processes in the body. It is essential for DNA production and repair and for cell division. It also acts as a cofactor for many enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids and nucleic acids. In addition, folic acid is extremely important for women of childbearing age, as its adequate intake before and during pregnancy influences the normal development of the nervous system in the child. Serving Information Serving Size: 1 Tablet Amount Per Serving Folate 666 mcg DFE (Folic Acid 400 mcg) Other Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Vegetable Stearic Acid, Silica, Vegetable Cellulose.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take one (1) tablet one to two times daily, preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.Free of Gluten, Wheat, Dairy, Soy, Yeast, Sugar, Sodium, Artificial Flavor and Color.
Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg - Strawberry 59 ml Liquid - front
Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg - Strawberry 59 ml Liquid €20,93
Product description: Strengthens the immune system Accelerates metabolism Supports the nervous system Do you happen to feel tired and lacking in energy? If so, take Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg liquid 59 ml strawberry flavour from Swanson. This powerful dose of vitamin B12 will help you restore your natural energy levels and improve your overall body condition. Vitamin B12 plays a key role in the development of red blood cells, which help to fight infection and disease. This vitamin supports the body's metabolic processes, which helps to maintain a healthy weight and regulate energy levels. Vitamin B12 helps to maintain healthy nerves and brain, which affects concentration, memory and mood. It has a pleasant strawberry flavour, which makes daily use of the product enjoyable and palatable. Do not delay any longer and reach for Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin Liquid today to restore energy to your life! Serving Information Serving Size 1 Dropper (approximately 0.8 ml) Amount Per Serving Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 1,000 mcg Other ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, purified water, natural flavors (strawberry, vanilla), citric acid, absorption complex [ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale), amla fruit (Emblica officinalis), capsicum fruit (Capsicum frutescens)], potassium sorbate, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), vitamin E from soybean oil.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take one dropperful per day, preferably with a meal. Hold the solution under the tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. Shake well before use. Refrigerate after opening.WARNING: For adults only. Consult your healthcare provider before using this or any product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken. Store in a cool, dry place. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.
Japanese Oyster Extract 500 mg 60 Capsules - front
Japanese Oyster Extract 500 mg 60 Capsules €10,47
Product description: Increases immunity Supports natural regenerative processes Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects Supports a healthy immune system Japanese Oyster Extract 500 mg 60 capsules from Swanson will provide you with a wealth of nutrients from this unique plant. Japanese Oyster, also known as Chlorella, is one of the world's most valuable sources of nutrients. It is rich in vitamins, including vitamin B12, vitamin C and B vitamins, which are essential for the body to function properly.With Japanese Oyster Extract you will accelerate your journey to a healthier and more energetic lifestyle. Join customers who have appreciated the benefits of regular use of this dietary supplement. Order today! Serving Information Serving Size 1 Capsule Amount Per Serving Sodium 50 mgOyster Extract 500 mg Other ingredients: Maltodextrin, gelatin, sodium chloride, microcrystalline cellulose (plant fiber), magnesium stearate, silica.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take one capsule per day with water. WARNING: For adults only. Consult your healthcare provider before using this or any product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken. Store in a cool, dry place. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.
Vitamin E-1000 IU 60 Softgels - front
Vitamin E-1000 IU 60 Softgels €14,66
Product description: Antioxidant protection Support for the immune system Benefits for the skin Support for the heart Vitamin E-1000 IU 60 Softgels from Swanson is an excellent dietary supplement that provides the body with essential doses of vitamin E. This powerful vitamin is an ingredient that plays a key role in maintaining the health of our bodies. Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant, neutralising harmful free radicals in the body and protecting our cells from oxidative stress. A healthy immune system is key to maintaining overall health. Vitamin E supports our immune system, helping to fight infection and reduce inflammation. This vitamin also has skincare properties. It helps moisturise the skin, prevents skin ageing and improves the elasticity and appearance of the skin. Vitamin E helps to maintain a healthy heart by supporting proper blood circulation and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Don't wait any longer and ensure you get a dose of essential vitamin E today!Serving Information Serving Size 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Vitamin E (as dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate) 450 mg Other ingredients: Softgel (bovine gelatin, glycerin, purified water), soybean oil.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take one softgel per day with water.WARNING: For adults only. Consult your healthcare provider before using this or any product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not refrigerate. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.
Vitamins A (1500 mcg) and D (10 mcg) 250 Softgels - front
Vitamins A (1500 mcg) and D (10 mcg) 250 Softgels €10,47
Product description: Supports vision and improves immune system function Facilitates calcium absorption and ensures healthy bones and teeth Excellent source of vitamins A and D in adequate doses Vitamins A (1500 mcg) and D (10 mcg) 250 Softgels from Swanson will be a great addition to your health routine. They contain 1,500 mcg of vitamin A and 10 mcg of vitamin D, providing the optimal dosage for your body. Vitamin A plays a key role in maintaining vision health, skin condition and immune system function. Vitamin D is important for maintaining strong, healthy bones, regulating the immune system and affecting our overall wellbeing. Vitamins A and D are ideal for those who care about their health and want to supplement deficiencies of these important vitamins. Don't wait any longer - take care of your health now! Serving Information Serving Size 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Vitamin A (from cod liver oil and vitamin A palmitate) 1,500 mcgVitamin D (from cod liver oil and cholecalciferol) 10 mcg Other ingredients: May contain vegetable oil (corn or soybean oil); contains gelatin, glycerin, purified water. Contains fish (cod). Contains a bioengineered food ingredient.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take one softgel per day with water. Women who are pregnant or likely to become pregnant should not exceed recommended dosage.WARNING: For adults only. Consult your healthcare provider before using this or any product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken. Store in a cool, dry place. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.